
Inclusive Classroom

I strive to create a welcoming and inclusive environment in my classroom for all students. Here are some helpful resources for creating a more inclusive classroom: 

UGA Diversity resources

Trauma Informed Teaching 

Inclusive Teaching Practices Toolkit

Teaching Activities

On this page, you can read about some of the teaching activities I have been involved in. Towards the bottom, you can find a separate list breaking down the courses I have taught by semester.

Flipped Classroom

(Precalculus and Calculus)

During my time as a graduate student at UGA, I've had the opportunity to teach introductory courses as the instructor of record. In my classes, I look for creative approaches to promote active learning and boost student engagement. In the past, I've adopted a flipped classroom approach, where students watched instructional videos and completed assignments prior to class. This allowed us to dedicate class time to collaborative problem-solving and in-depth discussions, both in small groups and as a whole class. 

Graduate Teaching Course

I also had the pleasure of teaching graduate students about teaching during the Fall 2022 and 2023 semesters. The main goal of the course is to provide first year graduate students with the necessary skills to be effective instructors. We discuss department and university policies, the responsibilities of teaching assistants and instructors, and provide strategies for balancing those duties with other obligations. Most importantly, we study and discuss research based teaching practices for undergraduates. In addition to highlighting their significance, we practice implementing these strategies to prepare for upcoming teaching responsibilities.

Writing Intensive Program

While at UGA, I served as a teaching assistant for several courses through the Writing Intensive Program (WIP). For students taking introductory courses, mathematics is typically associated with calculations and problem-solving. The role of effective written communication in expressing mathematical ideas, reasoning, and arguments is often overlooked or underestimated. By cultivating and improving written communication skills in math, these courses aim to improve students' ability to express mathematical reasoning, arguments, and ideas clearly, and promote a deeper level of understanding of the subject matter .

Other Teaching Experiences

In 2016, I created and lead SAT/ACT prep courses for students in rural areas of Georgia with the help of student mentors from The Georgia Academy. I also have tutoring experience for K-12 and college math courses. 

List of Courses by Semester


Spring 2024: 

Precalculus (2 sections)


Fall 2023

PrecalculusGraduate Teaching Course

Summer 2023:


Fall 2022:

PrecalculusGraduate Teaching Course

Spring 2022: 

Precalculus (2 sections)

Fall 2021:

Calculus 1

Fall 2020:

Precalculus (2 sections)

Spring 2020:

Precalculus (2 sections)

Fall 2019:


Spring 2019:

WIP TA: Sequences and SeriesWIP TA: Algebra for Middle Grades Teachers

Fall 2018:

WIP TA: Arithmetic for Middle Grades TeachersWIP TA: Geometry for Elementary Teachers

Tutoring resources at UGA

Tutoring at the DAE (free)

Math department study hall (free)

Math department tutors  (fee charged)

I have undergone the LGBT center's safe space training and consider my office a safe space for all!